Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 3

I got up this morning about the same time as yesterday. Then, we went to breakfast, and once again I had toast. After that, we came back to our room, and I read my book, Atlas Shrugged, for awhile. For lunch, we went to Subway, and it made me very happy. I had my usual sandwich even. It was great! Then, we went to Tiananmen Square. I got to ride the subway for the first time too. It was very clean, and I was impressed. Beijing is much cleaner than what I thought it would be. It was very interesting, and we even went through an art exhibit there. It was amazing. I fell in love with all of the beautiful art. After that we took another subway to the Temple to Heaven. It was very beautiful also. They have this circular echo wall that you can have a conversation with someone who is pretty far away. Meera and I tried it out. It was sweet. Then after that we went to the market and I got a Prada bag for less than $10, a pair of sweet converse shoes for less than $10, and a couple of other things. I bartered really really well. Then we went out to eat near the market to a Westernized Chinese Restaurant so it was what I am used to. All in all it was a good day.
I am actually pretty good at using chopsticks after only two days. Yeah and you know how yesterday I forgot my camera? Today it died halfway through the day because I left it on all day yesterday when I forgot it in my room. I am feeling better now too but I keep going to bed too early so I am going to stay up later tonight so I don’t wake up so early.
Everyone wants to take pictures with Meera and me because I am American and Meera is Indian. They will just come up to us and pose and take pictures. And then when I was on the subway coming back to the hotel, a Chinese woman started talking to me in English about church services in Beijing. I think she more wanted to try out her English than anything else. Everyone here is very nice, but I have noticed that few people smile. It is interesting.
I am also now realizing that I REALLY underpacked for this trip. I only brought clothes for one week which means I will be doing a lot of laundry, which brings me to the fact that I did not bring laundry detergent. I also didn’t bring sheets, towels, an electrical converter, a water purification system, or any extra food like granola bars. I am not sure if I will actually need these things because I took it for granted that they will be provided. I hope I did not make a terrible mistake.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Linda! Sorry I am soo far behind on reading your blog, but I will catch up tonight and read more regularly now. For the detergent, go to the Walmart, Wal-er-mar is how chinese pronounce it. You can get pretty much anything there I think.
