Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day 15

My internet started working again right after I posted last night, but it is acting up again tonight. I know what to think of it. This trip has made me realize that I am bad with technology (my webcam still does not work for some reason). We went to the farm again today. I was supposed to meet everyone at the lab at 8am but for some reason my alarm didn’t go off this morning, so I ended up getting up at ten till 8 and made a mad dash to get ready. Alex and the others ended up picking me up in front of my building. Instead of taking a bus, Alex asked one of his friends to drive us. It was a very tight fit because it was a very small car and five people in it. It wasn’t until I was in the car that I realized that I had forgotten to eat breakfast in my rush to leave. At the farm, we helped one of the students to label her Bt corn and take samples from them. Then we went to look at Alex’s cotton, and once again we had to strip down the unneeded branches. It was easier than last time, but it was hot, and I was light headed from not eating. After that we went to help the others pick peaches to take back to the lab. I didn’t eat any this time because I am still not sure what made me sick, and I didn’t want to risk it.
Then we came back to the campus and went to lunch. We took an unusually long break this afternoon because it was so hot out, so I met everyone back in the lab at 3. We were going to go to the birds nest (site of the 2008 Olympic Games) and the bookstore, but it was too hot. Instead we stayed in the lab. I am surprised at the amount of people here who are mourning the death of Michael Jackson. That’s all everyone wants to talk about in the lab, so most of them looked up Michael Jackson videos and songs on YouTube all afternoon. I never thought he would have such a worldwide impact, but apparently he did. We went to the campus bookstore right before dinner, but they didn’t have a Chinese-English dictionary or books on Chinese History written in English. We are just going to look tomorrow when we are out and about. It’s supposed to be cooler tomorrow, but it’s also supposed to rain. Lily helped me get my food for dinner, but she had to go help a friend move right after. I walked back to my building and decided it would be a nice night to go for a walk. After I changed and came back out, it started to downpour out of nowhere, so instead I picked up my dorm. Hopefully I can get my internet figured out soon.

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