Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 2

Today was a pretty good day. I went to bed last night pretty early (8pm) because I was so tired from travelling and due to this I woke up at 530 and tossed and turned until 8. I got up and got ready and the two graduate students came to get us for breakfast. I was pretty adventurous and had toast and blueberry jam. Then I returned to my room and relaxed until lunch. After we ate lunch the two graduate students took us by taxi to the summer palace in Beijing for the day. It was so beautiful. I am pretty mad at myself though because I left my camera in the hotel plugged into my computer but luckily Meera had her camera. It was where all the Emperors and Empresses lived. It was rebuilt after the Anglos burned it down in the 1800’s. It is a huge garden with statues built into the mountains and surrounded by a lake. It contains landscapes from all the different regions in China. We even saw the gold Buddha there. Then we took a bus back to the hotel where we immediately ate dinner. I am feeling kind of queasy because everything here is cooked in a lot of grease and that upsets my stomach, but I am sure I will get used to it (at least I hope so). Now I will just relax until bedtime because I am actually pretty tired from walking up the hundreds of steps in and around the palace. I will post again soon though!

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